Some of my favorite places to walk around in SF
If I’m being honest, the gym scares me, I hated PE in high school (mainly because running was not my thing), and I never understood how one got endorphins from working out. A year later and two of those things remain true– the gym is still intimidating for me and high school PE sucks. But I finally did get those endorphins. It turned out I just needed a different type of exercise and a scenic view. Even though I’m born and raised in the City, I still have so much to explore ! Here’s a list of some of my current favorite places to walk in the City:
The Embarcadero
The neighborhood I’ve nicknamed tourist central, the Embarcadero stretches from Pier 39 to Oracle Park. These 2.5 miles are full of beautiful views, which include the Ferry Building, Bay Bridge, Cupid’s Span, and Transamerica Building to name a few. I know San Francisco is known for its hills (more on that later), but sometimes, you want a flat route to take a stroll.
Vallejo and Broadway Streets
Vallejo and Broadway Streets cover various neighborhoods and it’s fun seeing the change in neighborhoods. One moment you’re in the hustle and bustle of Chinatown and 10 minutes later, you’re in residential Pac Heights. I enjoy walking in Pac Heights because 1) the hills provide for an excellent booty burn and 2) it’s quiet. Life can be pretty chaotic so having that quiet space is peaceful.
View from Ina Coolbrith Park located at Vallejo and Taylor Streets
Any other places in the City that I should add to my hot girl walk ? List them in the comments down below. Plus stay tuned for some of my favorite places to eat on my walks.